This is a small demo of mine. It was my entry for the March/2k coding contest on flipcode. The Contest topic was smoke and it made the second place out of 20 entries. Ok, it was not number one *snief* but it's still a nice toy to play around with. This demo also contains a scaled down early version of my Volumetric light filter. By pressing space during the smoke routine it will be enabled and you can get an impression of what this effect can look like. Download it here.(183kb, requires win32 and DirectDraw) (added on on 30th of march, 2k)
Here is also a testrender (1.36mb, divX added on 19th of february 2002)
I did for a friend using that same smoke routine with more particles. I plan to
turn it into a usefull tool with even more realistic movements, better quality and more control.